What is #NoEstimates? If you spend much time on Twitter following agile, chances are you have seen the hashtag #NoEstimates. It jumps right out at you; it's catchy, controversial, and thought provoking. Unfortunately, the name is somewhat misleading, although it does help get the conversation started. To being with, #NoEstimates does not mean "do not estimate". I can't fault anyone for getting confused by the name, as it does seem to imply that. Rather, to quote Woody Zuill , the originator of the term: #NoEstimates is a hashtag for the topic of exploring alternatives to estimates [of time, effort, cost] for making decisions in software development. That is, ways to make decisions with “No Estimates”. So just to reiterate, it's about questioning how we use estimates today, and exploring alternatives. It is not a prescriptive process on how to run your projects, or how to make decisions. It'a just an idea that asks a question. That's it. Now a lo...
Exploring concepts in agile software development.